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“It Takes Courage To Tell The Truth” is an introductory beginning to the inner workings of my mind, through poetry and short stories find courage within your own world by reading another perspective. Support me and my community work by purchasing this book.

A book for him, her, the earth, belief, and us.

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A poetry collection by Ella Noah Bancroft.

The work is an insight into her diverse mind, living between the worlds, her powerful observations as she beautifully discovers own her truth through writing. 

Ella Noah is a romantic realist, with a stunning sophistication of social constructs. 

Ella Noah Bancroft writes poetic stories to seven different aspects of her life. She writes to her, love, belief, him, them, the Earth and me. 

She writes to her future daughter, passing down all the aspects of life she wished she was told as a young woman. She writes about the deepest love she ever felt and had to let go of.

She writes to how advertising and beauty propaganda have stolen women’s bodies and health from them.

She writes of tasting freedom in the wild state and how she can never return to domestication.

She writes to the men in her life about her sexuality, she writes to the earth with empathy. 

She writes to the sacred bodies of women and the injustices done to them through societal structures and institutions. 

She writes to her bodies response to her first-ever vipassana. 

She writes her disgust for the commodification of spirituality and speaks to the importance of integration. 

She questions everything and writes the truths we are too afraid to tell ourselves.

She speaks to her own truths through vulnerability and strength.